Regulatory structure
Annex 1: Government Draft Page 72
Annex 2: Government Draft Page 77
Article Law (
Artikelgesetz): Indicates where the affected laws need to be amended
Above all, the BSI Act (
BSI Gesetz) is being amended
Many other changes are merely changes of references to the correct paragraphs
EnWG and Telecommunications Act will be extensively expanded with specific regulations
1. draft bill (
2. draft bill
3. draft bill was submitted to the participation of the states as well as the hearings of associations
Government bill (
Latest draft of government bill
Due to early elections in Germany, the bill has to be reintroduced and negotiated when the newly elected parliament is constituted.
For more information see:BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik - Archivierte sektorspezifische FAQ zu NIS-2
Affected Companies in Germany
Essential entities (
Besonders wichtige Unternehmen)
Employees: >= 250 - or -
Annual revenue: > 50 million € and annual balance sheet total > 43 million €
The size criteria does not apply to operators of critical facilities
top-level domain name registries, qualified trust service providers, DNS service providers
central government agencies
For all other operators of critical facilities: supply of > 500,000 people
Important Companies (
Wichtige Unternehmen)
Employees: >= 50 employees - or -
Annual balance sheet total and Annual revenue: each > 10 million €
And listed as sector in Annex 1 or 2 NIS2UmsuCG